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Mia Taylor Foundation Save The World Logo.png

Our Mission

To fulfill Mia’s dreams and build on the legacy she left behind by continuing her dedication, devotion and passion to the environment and nature conservation, as well as helping to improve the lives of others, especially those in need.
Areas of Focus & Goals
The Mia Taylor Foundation’s primary focus is to honor children from Nebraska who have passed away by planting memorial trees in their memory.  Planting a tree to honor the life of a child, especially a precious life that ended much too soon, is a lasting and meaningful tribute.  This is also a unique and caring way to express sympathy and love for these children.  For some, there is a religious or spiritual symbolization of planting a tree or “Tree of Life” that represents the connection to all forms of creation and life, as well as the afterlife.  Planting trees also represents the cycle of life while contributing to the many essential roles and benefits trees provide to nature, our community, and the environment. 


The Mia Taylor Foundation also strives to "Dig Deep" within our communities by promoting and implementing early educational programs relating to the benefits of trees, pollinator conservation, and many other things that are beneficial to the delicate balance needed for existence of nature and human survival.  The Foundation believes that by educating our next generation, we can collectively make a big difference.  A difference that will benefit the environment, nature conservation, and help improve the lives of others for generations to come.    
In addition to planting trees, the environment and nature conservation, The Mia Taylor Foundation’s other areas of focus relate to the health and safety of children.  The Foundation is actively collaborating with other organizations to maximize our community outreach efforts to keep children and families healthy and safe.

©2021 by The Mia Taylor Foundation.

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